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Portfolio & asset management advice

Asset and portfolio management to help you build a stronger future

Liston Newton Advisory
Liston Newton Advisory is rated 4.8 from 32 reviews
HomeServicesFinancial Advisory

How we help you manage your investment portfolio

By nature, an investment portfolio is a complex creature. So we help you understand how to best manage yours, and create a strategy that helps you ride the ups and downs of the markets with confidence.

We work with you to understand your goals and objectives, and what you’re actually trying to achieve with your investments. Whether it’s growing your wealth, generating a long-term sustainable income, or protecting the wealth you’ve already built, we’ll provide advice and recommendations that help you build an asset and investment portfolio that’s best suited to your needs.

  • Australian and international equities
  • Fixed interest
  • Cash management
  • Asset allocation
  • Portfolio reporting
  • Research and analysis

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Learn more about your business with our comprehensive guides

At Liston Newton Advisory, we take pride in helping business owners get more out of their hard work. Our downloadable guides can give you an in-depth look at strategies and technologies that will help your business grow.

  • Discover tax strategies and business structures available to you
  • Understand and apply new business management technology
  • Get in touch with us for information tailored to your business

We’ll help you manage your investment portfolio in a more sustainable way

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Comprehensive advice

We provide clear, holistic advice that covers financial planning, wealth management, and tax advice as part of the management of your asset and investment portfolio.

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A wealth of experience

We’ve been helping our clients to manage successful investment portfolios for over 40 years. Let us help you grow yours.

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Strong support network

Our trusted network of stockbrokers, research analysts, and cash management services enables you to continue making the right decisions as your portfolio grows.

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Long-term support

Staying up to date is essential for tax compliance. We take the time to fully understand any changes in tax policy so you can get the full benefits.

Learn more about your business with our comprehensive guides

At Liston Newton Advisory, we take pride in helping business owners get more out of their hard work. Our downloadable guides can give you an in-depth look at strategies and technologies that will help your business grow.

  • Discover tax strategies and business structures available to you
  • Understand and apply new business management technology
  • Get in touch with us for information tailored to your business

About our portfolio management consultants

Creating the right investment portfolio for your financial needs is like building a garden from the ground up. The more work you put in now, the more you understand the investment decisions and the market, the healthier the return will be in the future.

Our team will help you cultivate your investment green thumb by providing you with the education, understanding, and advice that enables you to make the best choices for your portfolio.

Kieran Liston, Director | Consultant

Meet the team

We have worked with Liston Newton's Accountancy and Advisory Team for over a decade. During that time, our business has grown substantially both organically and through purchases. This wouldn’t have been possible without Liston Newton Advisory to assist with our business planning, providing proactive advice and ensuring our accounts were always compliant in a complex and volatile industry.
Karsten Horne
CEO, Reho Travel
Liston Newton's Accountants analysed our financial and business situation and helped us implement strategies to improve our position. Their strategies turned our business from making a loss, to recording a 6-month net profit of 36 per cent. And we are now on track to show a 240 per cent increase in turnover over the next financial year.
Lisa Clarke
SL Constructions
Liston Newton helped us move our accounting over to Xero. Their Accountant managed the set up and training so we felt comfortable with the software. We now have all our processes streamlined which gives us improved visibility of our business performance. This has allowed us to open 2 more stores without a significant increase in administration effort.
Peter Luskan

Our method for your portfolio management success

In our 40 years in the business, we’ve created a methodology that helps you get a holistic approach to your asset and portfolio management and wealth creation strategy. We call it Get Set, Get Moving, Get Free.

The advice and guidance we provide within this framework are designed to help you on the track towards financial freedom — whatever that means for you.

Find out how we do things
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Investment portfolio management you can trust

We don’t give you advice we wouldn’t take ourselves.

Our case studies

Implementing portfolio management takes a long-term view

Get in touch for comprehensive advice on how to manage your investment portfolio.

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Frequently asked questions

How to manage a stock portfolio?

Investment in shares (stocks) can be a great way to build and protect your wealth. When managing a stock portfolio, we believe it’s important that you take a long-term approach. You can lose money quickly by making the wrong decisions or moving in and out of the market over short periods of time.

We believe a share portfolio should be constructed carefully. The foundations of your portfolio should be strong, in stable companies that grow steadily over the long term. It’s also important to get diversification and exposure across different sectors of the economy. Don’t just rely on one vertical; instead, look into banks, mining, technology, healthcare, or infrastructure as well.  

Taking a global perspective and looking outside of Australia can also be a wise move when building your portfolio. After all, Australia's share market makes up just 2% of the world equity market—there’s so much more out there.

How to manage a retirement portfolio?

Managing a portfolio for retirement all comes down to your individual goals and lifestyle.

The first thing to identify is how much money you want to spend each year. This figure should include your day-to-day expenses, and other things like holidays, gifts, and large purchases.

Once your annual income needs are identified, an investment portfolio can be constructed around this objective. By looking at the expected growth and income yields of various asset classes such as shares, fixed interest, cash, and property, your portfolio can then be built in a way that matches these needs throughout your retirement.  

Managing a retirement portfolio is about finding the right balance between growing your wealth, meeting your income needs, and protecting your wealth to ensure you don't run out of money in your lifetime. With the right advice, you may also be able to build capital to pass on to future generations.

How can I start an investment portfolio for my kids?

Kickstarting an investment portfolio for your children can be a great way to give them financial assistance in life, and even get them interested in investing. There are a number of ways this can be done.

A share portfolio can be opened in your childrens’ name, with you as the adult trustee of the account. While this approach is simple, you need to be aware that interest and dividends earned in a child's name can be taxed as high as 66%—that’s a big hit.

Insurance bonds are another option when investing for your children. During the term of their investment, they don’t create any additional tax burden in your name or your child’s name. If you hold them for 10 years or more, there’s no tax payable when you convert back to cash, which you can then pass on to your children tax-free.

Another common approach is to buy a parcel of shares for your children within an SMSF. This allows the shares to grow in a tax-efficient environment. When you reach age 60, it’s then possible to sell or transfer the shares out of your SMSF, while paying $0 tax.

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With our online financial advisory services, it doesn't matter where you live.

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