Business advisory services

Set ambitious growth goals and design actionable plans to meet them

Liston Newton Advisory
Liston Newton Advisory is rated 4.8 from 32 reviews

We’ve proved our expertise

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A wealth of experience

We've been accounting for over 40 years. In that time, we've developed the skills to provide comprehensive and effective business advisory services.

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Full range of service

From business growth funding to exit planning, our business advisory team can walk you through every stage of your business’s life.

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Long-term client partnerships

We’re proud to have several clients who’ve been with us for over a decade. We’ll put in the effort to earn your trust and never take it for granted.

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Grounded business advisory

Insight means little if you can’t put it into action. We’ll help you discern clear action plans to meet your goals and overcome sudden challenges.

We provide critical insights to overcome every challenge

To help you better understand how we can help you achieve your goals, let us tell you about ours.  Growing, refining and perfecting businesses is our passion. That’s an overused cliche, but it happens to be true. Aside from providing advisory services, our specialists buy, grow and sell businesses themselves. This is what we excel at.

Our experience, within and without Liston Newton, allows us to help you navigate any challenge, including:

  • Accessing funding
  • Growth planning
  • Continuity planning
  • Succession and exit planning

Our advisors turn strong businesses into exceptional ones

As you no doubt already know, running a business really is an ‘always on’ position. There’s a department in the corner of your mind that never stops making plans and analysing risks. Stretch your neck and roll your shoulders — let our business advisors take the pressure off.

We’ll provide you with a detailed, impartial bird’s-eye assessment of your business that’ll reveal your blindspots and predict potholes on your path to growth. From there, we’ll help you plan the best route forward.

We’re not a last-in, first-out consultant. We want to build a lasting, career-long partnership so that we can give you the best possible advice. Book your consultation, and we will earn the right to call ourselves your business advisory partner.

  • Proactive planning
  • Financial modelling
  • Realistic, actionable advice
  • Decision-making advice

The right advice can make all the difference.

Talk to us

Our funding specialists leave no opportunity unexamined

Our business funding service is a proactive practice; as your partners, the last thing we want is to scramble for change when an opportunity for growth presents itself. Instead, we help you establish connections that’ll ensure you have the resources you need to adapt, grow or recover no matter what the future brings. We can assist you with:

We’ve formed trusted relationships with Australia’s major banks as well as with specialist debt advisors around the country, so you’ll never be lacking in funding opportunities. We’ll help you determine which avenue will actually lead to your long-term business success. Trust that we’ll protect you and the success you’ve worked so hard to achieve.

An award-winning Australian accounting firm

SMSF multi service firm of the year awardSMSF customer service firm of the year awardIfa innovator of the year awardIfa holistic adviser of the year award

Leverage our business planning expertise to chart your own course

Steering a business often feels like a ‘one step forward, two steps back’ affair. But that’s the inevitable result of poor planning or buckling under pressure. Our business planning service will help you define your long-term goals, set short-term strategies and predict the pitfalls along the way.

  • Financial modelling
  • Identifying risk factors
  • Short and long-term planning
  • Sustainable growth advice

Succession planning and exit strategy advice

There’s an ineffable feeling of achievement in knowing you’re ready to move on from what you’ve built, whether it’s to build something new or finally enjoy the fruits of your labour. But an improperly planned exit can curdle your triumph and leave your former business in the lurch. We won’t let that happen.

We can help you begin succession and exit planning years before your final goodbye. Why so early? Because the more time we have, the smoother the exit. We’ll help you set up systems to ensure your business carries on at a gallop, and help you plan for your post-exit endeavours.

Our bona fides

We’re proud to stand amongst and work with some of the leading authorities and service providers in the industry.

“I’m truly grateful for their advice”

Kieran Liston and the Liston Newton team have been assisting me with my accounting matters since 1976. For the past 47 years, Kieran and the Liston Newton team have provided reliable accounting assistance, which has allowed me to focus on my business in primary production.

Their exceptional service has consistently exceeded my expectations and made me feel that they truly care about my financial well-being.

Brian Downes

Liston Newton has given me really helpful guidance over the years for both my business and my personal finances. When you have an accounting team that you trust to give the right advice, it gives you the confidence to focus on growing your business and doing the things you love.

Kate Nixon
Founder, Kat The Label

Liston Newton helped us move our accounting over to Xero. Their Accountant managed the set up and training so we felt comfortable with the software. We now have all our processes streamlined which gives us improved visibility of our business performance. This has allowed us to open 2 more stores without a significant increase in administration effort.

Peter Luskan

Free downloadable advice

We can’t imagine a drier sentence than “Would you like to read some financial advice brochures?” So believe us when we say we wouldn’t ask if we didn’t know it was worth your time.

Though they’re free, we haven’t held back on the details. Read these brochures at your leisure and they’ll give you a comprehensive overview of their topics. 

If you’d like to ask questions, raise concerns and learn more, you know how to reach us.

We are always at your service

As accountants, we see so many in our industry define success through KPIs and climbing graphs. It’s natural, no doubt, but it’s missing the forest for the trees.

Business is always personal. Your business is your livelihood, not to mention your staff’s. It’s rent, mortgages, school fees, holidays, investments, retirements — success in business spills over to every other facet of life. We never lose sight of that.

We don’t pass the buck. We don’t cut corners. We don’t take our eye off the ball. We know the stakes, and we will always strive to stay ahead of the curve to keep your business thriving.

The benefits of a Liston Newton partnership

  • 40 years of industry experience
  • Award-winning financial management services
  • Guaranteed ATO compliance
  • Xero Platinum partner
  • Tailored business advisory offerings

Meet our team

Our methodology for helping you reach financial freedom

By financial freedom, we mean exactly what it sounds like: the freedom to do as you please, when you please, with total peace of mind. That’s what we aim to help all of our clients achieve. Of course, there’s no single solution that suits everyone. But there is an approach. We’ve marshalled our collective expertise and insights, gathered over 40+ years, to design our holistic approach to achieving financial freedom. We call our approach Get Set, Get Moving, Get Free, and it’s the exact approach we use to order our own goals.

Get set

We begin by stabilising your business. We minimise risks, order your operations and secure all fundamentals.

Get moving

With your business on stable footing, our growth and development strategic planning will push you into a sprint.

Get free

Now that your business is in its strongest position, we’ll help you use it to support your personal goals.

Case study

Our locations

We provide business advisory services in all Australian states and territories, from metropolitan cities to regional towns.

Frequently asked questions

What is the role of a business advisor?

A business advisor is a far more invested partner than an accountant. We help you develop and refine every facet of your business by development short- and long-term plans with measurable KPIs. We’ll guide you through every stage of the business lifecycle, and will even help you set and manage your personal financial goals.

What is my business worth?

Clients need to understand how a business is valued and what methods are used to do so. By understanding the value of the business, you can see how it fits into your overall goal of wealth creation.

There are various approaches to valuing a business, and we can help you understand how it works.

How do I write a business plan?

Business plans are crucial for a startup as they provide a roadmap and guidance on your business journey. Getting the right person to write a business plan is essential, as they need to understand the fundamentals of your business, how you operate, and where you want to go.

When writing a business plan, you essentially need to work backwards. Determine what your end goal is, then build the plan to achieve that goal. Your goal could be one million dollars in profit or generating a personal income of $100,000 per year. Catching up quarterly with your business advisor ensures you remain on track with the business plan targets you set.

What does a business plan include?

Business plans should include the following:

  • Your mission statement and core values
  • Financial projections
  • SWOT analysis
  • Staff structure now and as you grow
  • Action plans
  • Key drivers for your business

How do I expand my business?

This is one of the most common questions from young business owners. The first step from a business point of view is to ensure you have all the fundamentals of your business in place. This is crucial because if the fundamentals are not right, your business will not be ready for expansion.

The fundamentals of a business include having your bookkeeping running smoothly, so you have accurate data to base your decisions on, having the right business structure to expand, and having the right people in your business to manage the expansion.

You also need to consider how you are going to fund your expansion. Often, a business will not be stockpiled with cash before an expansion, so alternative financing options will be required. This may involve a financial institution such as a bank, crowdfunding, or bringing in other investors to the business.

How do I borrow to grow my business?

Growing your business will inevitably put a strain on your cash flow. To grow, you will likely have to invest in marketing, more staff, and resources to enable growth.

That’s why understanding and accurately forecasting your growth rates and cash flow is crucial. It should give you a clear picture of what lies ahead and when it’s safe to invest for growth.

How much can I borrow?

How much you can borrow depends on several factors, including:

  • Your revenue
  • How long you have been in business
  • If you have property you can put up as security
  • Whether the loan is secured or unsecured by an asset or a guarantee from the directors of the company

Typically, an unsecured business loan will be between $25,000 and $250,000. A secured loan can be $250,000 or more.

What interest rates can I expect?

The interest rate will depend on whether the loan is secured by an asset or is unsecured.

  • An unsecured loan typically has an interest rate between 10% and 15%.
  • A secured loan typically has an interest rate between 5% and 10%.

The interest rate is at the discretion of the lender; they will adjust the rate depending on how risky they assess the loan to be. If you have not been in business long and your cash flow is not straightforward, expect the interest rate to be higher.

How do I sell my business, and when should I start planning to sell my business?

Selling a business takes time if you want to maximise the price. While some people plan their exit strategy from day one, it typically takes at least 12 months to prepare.

Your business will be more attractive and valuable to buyers if you make it easy for them to take over. If your business can run without you being there, it will be easier for a prospective buyer to achieve the income you are promising from the business.

Once the business is ready for sale, approach a business broker who specialises in selling businesses in your industry. They will assist in making your business more attractive to buyers.

How do I bring in an employee in as an owner?

Whether it's part of your succession planning or to keep employees motivated, there are several ways to bring an employee in as an owner, including:

  • They can pay cash for the shares
  • They can borrow from the company or owner to pay for the shares
  • You can gift them the shares
  • You can offer the shares at a discounted rate

There are different tax consequences for each of these scenarios which you need to examine carefully. You should also consider questions such as whether they will be an ordinary class of shareholder or a non-voting shareholder. The best option will depend on what you are trying to achieve.

How can I maximise cash receipts from the stimulus package?

  • Work with your accountant to identify which essential parts your business is eligible for and get the process started to obtain these cash flow bonuses.
  • Ensuring your BAS is up to date and lodged so you can access funding.

Should I prepare a cash flow forecast?

Yes, create or update your business cash flow plan over the coming months. You need your daily and weekly planned cash position to make informed decisions, like when you may need additional bank funding, or reduce staff numbers.

Can I delay tax payments to the ATO?

Yes. Keeping your business alive means paying your employees, your key suppliers, your rent, and your accountant each week. These are the assets you use to navigate a crisis. Nothing else matters in the short term.

You may need to delay making payments of GST, PAYG Withholding Tax and Employee PAYG Tax to the ATO.

You should set up a second bank account (separate from your main trading account) and each week transfer cash for these payments across into it. If needed, you can then dip into this cash reserve to keep your business alive.

  • Businesses can request a deferral of some payments (by up to 4 months), and the amount may vary in installments.
  • Suppose you have under $20 million turnover. In that case, you can elect to report and pay their GST monthly instead of quarterly to accelerate access to GST refunds, but only from 1 April 2020, and must remain monthly for 12 months.
  • You can request remittance of interest and penalties applied to tax liabilities incurred after 23 January 2020.
  • You can also request a low-interest payment plan.

Let’s begin

Hopefully, we’ve given a bit to chew on. Book your consultation, and let’s talk details.

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