Investment strategies & advice

Whatever your financial goals look like, we’ll help you get there

Liston Newton Advisory
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Your financial future is only as solid as your investment strategy

Investing money is a big commitment and not something you can just jump into. It takes time. It takes the right knowledge, expert advice, and a clear, robust plan to ensure you’re on the right track.

Getting the right investment strategy advice will make a huge difference to your financial position. A properly executed investment strategy takes into account your current and future cash flow, your tax situation, your ability to contribute to super, and your overall objectives. And when done correctly, it gives you peace of mind that you’re managing your money in the smartest way.

At Liston Newton Advisory we use your long-term financial goals to provide effective, realistic wealth investment advice, and help you put the right investment strategies in place that set you up for the future. We can help with salary sacrifice, negative gearing, borrow to invest strategies and pay off debt.

  • Salary sacrifice
  • Negative gearing
  • Borrow to invest
  • Payoff debt

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*Offer subject to terms and conditions
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Investment strategy services

Learn more about your business with our comprehensive guides

At Liston Newton Advisory, we take pride in helping business owners get more out of their hard work. Our downloadable guides can give you an in-depth look at strategies and technologies that will help your business grow.

  • Discover tax strategies and business structures available to you
  • Understand and apply new business management technology
  • Get in touch with us for information tailored to your business

Here’s how we’ll help you make smarter decisions in your investment strategies

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A wealth of experience

Our team has over 40 years of experience helping business owners and individuals plan a comfortable future with robust investment strategies.

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Tailored investment advice

Whether it’s implementing salary sacrificing, leveraging negative gearing, borrowing to invest, or helping you pay off debt, we build a strategy that’s customised to your goals.

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Long-term client partnerships

Your investment strategies aren’t a set-and-forget affair, so we work with you for the long term to ensure your investment strategies continue to achieve the results you’re looking for.

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A full range of services

To compliment your investment strategies, we provide a full range of financial services that ensure a holistic approach to your financial health.

Learn more about your business with our comprehensive guides

At Liston Newton Advisory, we take pride in helping business owners get more out of their hard work. Our downloadable guides can give you an in-depth look at strategies and technologies that will help your business grow.

  • Discover tax strategies and business structures available to you
  • Understand and apply new business management technology
  • Get in touch with us for information tailored to your business

Our approach to your investment strategies

While you can’t predict the future with 100% accuracy, being as prepared as possible is the next best thing. This is what a robust, comprehensive wealth investment plan can achieve for you.

At Liston Newton Advisory we take a proactive approach to your future wealth management. Instead of waiting to see where the market takes you, we create a plan that helps you navigate potential future obstacles with flexibility, confidence, and peace of mind.

Kieran Liston, Director | Consultant

Meet our investment strategy advisors

We have worked with Liston Newton's Accountancy and Advisory Team for over a decade. During that time, our business has grown substantially both organically and through purchases. This wouldn’t have been possible without Liston Newton Advisory to assist with our business planning, providing proactive advice and ensuring our accounts were always compliant in a complex and volatile industry.
Karsten Horne
CEO, Reho Travel
Liston Newton's Accountants analysed our financial and business situation and helped us implement strategies to improve our position. Their strategies turned our business from making a loss, to recording a 6-month net profit of 36 per cent. And we are now on track to show a 240 per cent increase in turnover over the next financial year.
Lisa Clarke
SL Constructions
Liston Newton helped us move our accounting over to Xero. Their Accountant managed the set up and training so we felt comfortable with the software. We now have all our processes streamlined which gives us improved visibility of our business performance. This has allowed us to open 2 more stores without a significant increase in administration effort.
Peter Luskan

Our method for your investment success

Getting the right financial investment advice and guidance ensures that you’re set up for future financial success. To achieve this, we’ve developed a unique approach to your investment strategies.

By taking a holistic approach to financial services, taking into account both your short and long-term goals, we can make sure that you’re constantly working towards your financial freedom, regardless of what the future holds. We call it Get Set, Get Moving, Get Free.

Find out how we do things
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Investment Advisors you can trust

Get peace of mind that your investments are in safe hands.

Our case studies

Take uncertainty out of the equation

Get the investment strategy guidance and support you need to build financial freedom now, and for the future.

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Frequently asked questions

What happens when I get financial advisory?

Step 1: Discovery meeting

Sit down together and work out if we are a good fit for each other. This occurs in a discovery meeting.

In the discovery meeting, we discuss your current financial situation, your goals in life and the time frame you have in mind for achieving them. Once we know where you are today and what your objectives are for the future, it’s about working together to map out a plan to get there.

Step 2: Proposal

Your financial adviser will prepare a proposal for you that gives a high-level overview of suggested areas of advice, the realistic time frame of your goals and an estimate of the pricing.

Step 3: Plan

Your financial adviser prepares the plan. This includes the strategy and action plan to help you achieve your objectives and build the life you want. The plan will include things like:

  • Investments
  • Savings plans
  • Superannuation
  • Risk protection
  • Estate plans

Step 4: Implement the plan

The strategy is presented to you as a documented financial advice plan. Discuss the plan, ask any questions, and make any modifications required. Once you agree to the plan and sign off on it, your financial adviser implements the plan.

Step 5: Review

You'll agree on how often the advice should be reviewed. It’s important to keep the plan updated and adapt it when circumstances change. Personal circumstances, legislation and investment landscapes are all subject to change, and we can help you plan for them.

What’s a good investment?

That depends on your goals. There isn't one single answer. A sound investment for one person is a bad investment for another person. You need to consider what's a good investment for your situation. This will depend on your goals, appetite for risk, age, and investment experience.

A good investment for a 35-year-old business owner might be shares in a growth-oriented business. A good investment for a person no longer working might be high dividend shares, fixed interest investments or term deposits. It all depends on the situation.

It’s easier to define a bad investment. A bad investment is one that you have no idea why you invested, no understanding of the underlying asset or business, no idea of the risk involved and no idea how long you should be holding it.

How do I pick a good financial advisory firm?

You should be prepared for a two-way interview when you talk with a potential adviser. Ask them any questions you want to know the answer to, including:

  • What are their qualifications and experience?
  • How have they helped people in a similar situation?
  • What is their investment philosophy?
  • How do you invest your own money?

You need to feel comfortable with your financial adviser and trust they will look after your interests.

Financial Services Disclaimer

Liston Newton Advisory Wealth Pty Ltd is an authorised financial advisor our license details:

Lifespan Financial Planning Pty Ltd

AFSL: 229892

ABN: 23 065921 735

This is general advice only and does not take into account your financial circumstances, needs and objectives. Before making any decision based on this document, you should assess your own circumstances, seek advice from your financial adviser, and seek tax advice from your accountants at Liston Newton Advisory. Information is current at the date of issue and may change.

Related resources

With our online financial advisory services, it doesn't matter where you live.

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